Weerdestein 97
Kantoornummer 135,
1083GG Amsterdam
the Netherlands
Registration Authority
CoC number: 75780291
registration number: 000043633056
Value-added tax identification number: NL860394517B01
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Liability notice
On the AISWEI websites, you will also find links to other websites part of which is not operated by AISWEI, but rather by third parties. These links only provide further details. AISWEI is not responsible for the contents of these websites and cannot be held liable for them. These external websites could be copyrighted material as well. Use of the AISWEI web pages is your own responsibility. AISWEI BV shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of these websites, especially plant interruption, lost profits, loss of information and data or consequential damage due to deficiencies unless AISWEI BV is to be held liable according to the law on product liability or in case of intent, gross negligence, the lack of guaranteed characteristics or due to the violation of essential contractual obligations. Compensation in damages due to the violation of essential contractual obligations is, however, limited to predictable damage typical for the nature of the contract as far as no intent or gross negligence was involved.
Copyright © 2020 AISWEI BV