Endüstriyel kurulum
Güçlü, verimli, büyük çapta fabrika üstü çatı güneş enerjisi santrali kurulumu
- Installation type: Industrial rooftop
- Location: Gaziantep, Türkiye
- Product installed: 50 x ASW 110K-LT three phase inverters
- Installer: General Solar
- Total system power: 5.5 MWp
In the industrial landscape of Gaziantep, Türkiye, a monumental transformation took place with the implementation of a cutting-edge industrial solar solution. General Solar spearheaded the installation of fifty ASW 110K-LT three-phase inverters to act as the core of the robust total system that generates a total power of 5.5 MWp. This achievement exemplifies the efficacy of industrial solar solutions in meeting the energy needs of large-scale operations, in Türkiye and abroad.